Chronic SOS - May 14, 2023
In honor of all the mothers in the world, I'm going to share some pictures of the two animal mothers I've had as pets: Molly and Kimchi.
Neurodivergent Love Languages
While these aren't official, it is another pattern in human behavior; it's really helpful to learn how neurodivergent people communicate and show affection that may differ from the general ways.
Chronic SOS - May 10, 2023
I somehow managed to accidentally delete my Animal Crossing New Horizons Island I had built up (AND the backup), but after I was mad at myself for a while, I started up a new one. It's finally starting to look good again and I'm reminded of how great Animal Crossing is for games that are relaxing and fun - perfect for distracting you from uncooperative organs.
Ask Aunt Lori - Birth Control
Dear Aunt Lori,
I want to start having sex, but I don't want to get pregnant. What are my options for birth control?
No Babies
Chronic SOS - May 5, 2023
Over the years, Cinco de Mayo has evolved into a celebration of Mexican heritage in the United States.
This year, I'd like to focus on a famous Mexican artist who struggled with chronic pain and health issues: Frida Kahlo.
Taco Bell on a Mechanical Soft Diet
When following a mechanical soft diet, it is best to have foods with soft tortillas and avoid crunchier ingredients. Adding sauces, sour cream, and melted cheeses to soften and add moisture to the food. As a bonus, these items often add calories.
Ask Aunt Lori - safe sex
Dear Aunt Lori,
I want to start having sex, but I want to do it safely. I DON'T want STIs!
Not Crabby
Chronic SOS - April 29, 2023
“Drink more water”
Dr. Waters talked excessively during my first visit and focused almost solely on overactive bladder treatments - though I was there for recurring UTIs and kidney stones, which aren't something that overactive bladder causes.
PoopLog Review
Though everyone should be familiar with their typical bowel habits, it's even more important to familiarize yourself with the kids you drop off at the pool if you have a medical condition, particularly gastrointestinal and/or neurological conditions.
As with many things - there's an app* for that!
“Brain on Fire” Review
This movie is based on the true story of Susannah Cahalan, a reporter for The New York Post, who suddenly is stricken by mysterious symptoms. It begins mostly with ringing in her ears, difficulty concentrating, and (guessing by her rubbing here eyes exactly how I did prior to surgery) severe pain in her eyes and head.
“Disabled But Not Really: Queer Eye S4E2” - Review
This episode focuses on Wesley, a man from Kansas City, Missouri, who became paralyzed from the waist down after gunshot wounds when he was 24. Prior to his injuries, he was a self confessed "bad boy" and involved in gangs, drugs, and the like.
‘Til Disabled Do Us Part
We had discussed plans for when he got back to the US and his upcoming trip to a different country before flying in. He talked to me to tell me that he had gotten his passport and was on a train.
Then there was nothing.
Ask Aunt Lori - Consent
Consent is a vital part of every relationship: doctor/patient, friendship, family, significant others, and everything else; yet, so many people don't know about it!
Chronic SOS - April 22, 2023
There's certainly going to be a lot to write about afterwards, but I'm holding off on writing about it until I have more information. For now, I'm focusing on other projects, namely:
Blueberry Probiotic Smoothie
I experimented with different smoothies for breakfast and this was my favorite that became a staple - my nutritionist even started giving it to her other patients!
Ask Aunt Lori - privacy & handling gossip
"Aunt Lori,
I have an "invisible disability" and my family tells people about it without asking me first. I'm not ashamed of myself, but people's biases make it difficult for me when people learn about my disability. People often stop seeing me for my abilities and just see me as only my invisible disability. How do I handle this?
-Wannabe Chameleon"
Vocal Cord Dysfunction
VCD is a condition of the vocal cords in which the vocal cords may close or partially close during inhalation.
Ask Aunt Lori: Making Mistakes
Making mistakes is a big part of learning. As long as you learn and grow from them, they’re good for you! So, admit your mistakes, learn from them, and grow from them!
New Section: Ask Aunt Lori
Don't be afraid of anything being embarrassed - I won't reveal who asked, just educate!
I'll also be sharing a few of the things I would have told my younger self.