The Road Back to Art
Storyteller Lori Adams Storyteller Lori Adams

The Road Back to Art

I've started to get back into art.

When I was young, I loved doing arts and crafts; but somewhere along the way, I lost my confidence. I went through a lot of bullying as a kid and the constant criticisms internalized and became negative self-talk.

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Spoonful of Gratitude - Day 7
Misc Lori Adams Misc Lori Adams

Spoonful of Gratitude - Day 7

For the final day of the Spoonful of Gratitude challenge, I'm channeling my inner Fraulein Maria and ask you to share a few of your favorite things! I've chosen: music, microbiology, animals, writing, and tea!

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Spoonful of Gratitude - Day 6
Misc Lori Adams Misc Lori Adams

Spoonful of Gratitude - Day 6

I couldn't have a challenge without music! For day 6, post a song that makes you want to dance every time you hear it! For me, it's “Now or Never” by Halsey.

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Spoonful of Gratitude - Day 5
Lori Adams Lori Adams

Spoonful of Gratitude - Day 5

Day 5 challenges you to post a picture of something or someone who always makes you laugh. I'm going a little bit off script for this one by picking a genre of pictures - animal memes.

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Spoonful of Gratitude - Day 3
Misc Lori Adams Misc Lori Adams

Spoonful of Gratitude - Day 3

For day 3, I've asked you to post something or someone who changed your life for the better. This is going to be a bit meta - but this blog has changed my life for the better.

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Spoonful of Gratitude - Day 2
Misc Lori Adams Misc Lori Adams

Spoonful of Gratitude - Day 2

For day two, I've challenged you to post pictures of 3 people who always support you. I've selected two of my closest friends, Emeryl and Sloan, as well as my mom.

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Chronic SOS - November 7, 2023
Chronic SOS Lori Adams Chronic SOS Lori Adams

Chronic SOS - November 7, 2023

Though I do enjoy the occasional political joke and disability advocacy often gets into political territory, I know the upcoming year will be full with so much campaigning and politics so I'm going to stay away from that. Instead, I'll be sharing facts about some small towns - with a twist.

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Spoonful of Gratitude challenge!
Misc Lori Adams Misc Lori Adams

Spoonful of Gratitude challenge!

This year has been rough for a lot of people, and so, I hope you will join me in the "Spoonful of Gratitude" challenge. Starting November 16 and ending November 22 (the day before Thanksgiving), there will be specific instructions of what to post online in order to intentionally make you focus on the positives!

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4 Unexpected changes after my injuries (and 5 ways I've adapted to them!)
Nifty Lori Adams Nifty Lori Adams

4 Unexpected changes after my injuries (and 5 ways I've adapted to them!)

The brain controls everything, so of course when there's a brain (or spinal cord) injury, the entire body is affected. I've lived with this for nearly eight years now and some adaptations are fairly obvious: using a wheelchair, for example; some of them were unexpected and took some time to figure out how to adjust and adapt to. Here are [#] of unexpected changes and how I adapted to them.

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Chronic SOS - October 31, 2023
Chronic SOS Lori Adams Chronic SOS Lori Adams

Chronic SOS - October 31, 2023

Like many holidays celebrated now, Halloween is rooted in celebrations related to the season and the harvesting of crops. Also like many holidays celebrated in Western cultures today, it is a conglomeration of a pagan (Celtic in this case) holiday and a Christian holiday.

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