Ask Aunt Lori - privacy & handling gossip
Ask Aunt Lori Lori Adams Ask Aunt Lori Lori Adams

Ask Aunt Lori - privacy & handling gossip

"Aunt Lori,

I have an "invisible disability" and my family tells people about it without asking me first. I'm not ashamed of myself, but people's biases make it difficult for me when people learn about my disability. People often stop seeing me for my abilities and just see me as only my invisible disability. How do I handle this?

-Wannabe Chameleon"

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Endometrial Ablation
Articles Lori Adams Articles Lori Adams

Endometrial Ablation

Endometrial ablation, put simply, is a procedure where the endometrium is destroyed. The endometrium is the innermost layer of the uterus and the part that thickens to either provide a place for a fertilized egg or be shed as a period.

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My periods were hell
Articles Lori Adams Articles Lori Adams

My periods were hell

For eighteen years since then, I’ve battled with severe pain, heavy bleeding, ovarian cysts, and pure torture nearly every month for several days – on top of my other health issues.

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Articles Lori Adams Articles Lori Adams


Ableism is discrimination based on disabilities. It comes in many forms; mainly what I classify as "direct" or "indirect" . This can be seemingly obvious, or subconscious from ingrained beliefs.

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My Kinky Colon - Ashley Byrd Pharr
Articles Lori Adams Articles Lori Adams

My Kinky Colon - Ashley Byrd Pharr

I began an Internet search on Crohn’s Disease, an IBD. My dad had been diagnosed with it in the 80s and had passed just two years before. I vaguely knew the disease was associated with the intestines, but I had never taken the time to learn what Crohn’s was.

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Misc Lori Adams Misc Lori Adams


As the surface nears, chains drag me down

I’ve seen the sunlight on my face

But I wear the darkness as my crown

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Guide to seeing a new doctor
Nifty Lori Adams Nifty Lori Adams

Guide to seeing a new doctor

Though a lot of the outcome will depend on your doctor, I’ve developed a system of things I do before seeing a new doctor that help me feel more prepared and help me use my (often limited time) the best that I can.

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Classifying the spread of diseases
Articles Lori Adams Articles Lori Adams

Classifying the spread of diseases

We’ve all heard the words “pandemic”, “epidemic”, and probably several more by now – but what do they mean? I’ll go over some of the most common terms used to classify the spread of an infectious disease

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International Healthcare: United States of America
Articles Lori Adams Articles Lori Adams

International Healthcare: United States of America

This is the healthcare system that I’m most familiar with – and still the most confused by. The majority of health insurance is through private companies (through an employer), but there are a few public options (Medicaid and Medicare, namely). Unfortunately, there is no universal healthcare.

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International Healthcare Series
Misc Lori Adams Misc Lori Adams

International Healthcare Series

Upcoming series! I’ll be taking a look at a few healthcare systems in this upcoming series. In it, i’ll look at the country’s general system, and how it handled the COVID-19 pandemic.

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“Don’t yell at my momma!”
Storyteller Lori Adams Storyteller Lori Adams

“Don’t yell at my momma!”

My dog. JD, is very protective of me; he’s an ESA and I’ve also done some more specialized training with him. One of those things is that he puts himself between me and whatever is causing me to be anxious. One of those things is people raising their voice.

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