Chronic SOS - November 7, 2023
Chronic SOS Lori Adams Chronic SOS Lori Adams

Chronic SOS - November 7, 2023

Though I do enjoy the occasional political joke and disability advocacy often gets into political territory, I know the upcoming year will be full with so much campaigning and politics so I'm going to stay away from that. Instead, I'll be sharing facts about some small towns - with a twist.

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Chronic SOS - September 21, 2023
Chronic SOS Lori Adams Chronic SOS Lori Adams

Chronic SOS - September 21, 2023

Like most people, I watched the new Barbie movie (and loved it). In it, the women hold all the positions of power, like all the government positions and believe that the real world is the same.

So it made me think - what if it was true, what would that look like?

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September 11
Misc Lori Adams Misc Lori Adams

September 11

TW: terrorism, 9/11, violence, death

I'm six years old and sitting at my desk in my first grade classroom. We were learning about nouns and adjectives, but the teacher next door comes in and whispers something to Mrs. King. She pauses and brings in one of the TV carts.

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International Healthcare: United States of America
Articles Lori Adams Articles Lori Adams

International Healthcare: United States of America

This is the healthcare system that I’m most familiar with – and still the most confused by. The majority of health insurance is through private companies (through an employer), but there are a few public options (Medicaid and Medicare, namely). Unfortunately, there is no universal healthcare.

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