Ask Aunt Lori - Babies

Dear Aunt Lori,

Where do babies come from?


Close up of an infant sleeping

Dear Curious,

Sorry, but I won't be directly answering this question. This is a question that is best asked a trusted adult who can sit down with you and answer any follow-up questions you have. I also can't verify your age and I wouldn't be able to give the appropriate answer based on that. This is usually a question that your parents or guardian(s) prefer to answer.

Though it might be tempting, avoid asking kids at school or on the internet. There's a lot of misinformation, intentional or not, and this is a subject that attracts it. Asking parents, guardians, trusted adults, or your doctor or their nurse is best.

Open notebook with a pencil on it

You probably already have several questions in mind, so you should write them down before you ask the trusted adult. You might have more afterwards, so you can ask them during the conversation or write them down to ask later. My mom talked to me about it and then gave me a book about it and women's health. I highly recommend that, but especially if you are someone who likes to learn about everything.

Sometimes parents are a little unsure about what to say, so give them a little extra time to think about how to discuss it if they're unsure.

Aunt Lori

Have questions you want me to answer? Fill out my Google form here and select "Ask Aunt Lori"! No judgment, just ask away!


Chronic SOS - September 20, 2023


A Little Clumsy