I wrote a memoir
Misc Lori Adams Misc Lori Adams

I wrote a memoir

I open with the first instance of my determination to live, no matter the odds; it's definitely foreshadowing. But the focus of the memoir is from January 26, 2016 to July 7, 2017.

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Jessica Kellgren-Fozard
Articles Lori Adams Articles Lori Adams

Jessica Kellgren-Fozard

Jessica is a British YouTuber based in Brighton, England. She is probably best known for her videos on disability, queerness, and vintage fashion. She has multiple disabilities, including: Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), post orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsy (HNPP), and is deaf as a result.

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Chronic SOS - May 5, 2023
Chronic SOS Lori Adams Chronic SOS Lori Adams

Chronic SOS - May 5, 2023

Over the years, Cinco de Mayo has evolved into a celebration of Mexican heritage in the United States.

This year, I'd like to focus on a famous Mexican artist who struggled with chronic pain and health issues: Frida Kahlo.

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