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Remembering Thomas

Names changed to protect privacy

He should be celebrating his 30th birthday today; instead, he's been gone over 13 years.

Though all my memories of him carry a cloud of sadness, I want to take today to share some of the happy memories I have of Thomas, my childhood friend who was gone way too soon.

He was one of the kindest people I've ever met - he still holds this title, even years later. I can't think of a single person who didn't like him: children and animals especially loved him. If there was ever a small child around, they instantly followed him around and wanted to be his best friend. He would have made a great father or uncle, and he'd probably be the favorite uncle.

We met through band; even though he wasn't a fellow woodwind musician, I won't hold it against him. We shared a love of music and we were both often practicing in the band room after school. Sometimes we didn't practice much, but goofed around in the band room. It probably wasn't the director's favorite, but we were all well liked by her, so she wasn't too annoyed.

When we weren't in the band room, we often discussed music anyway. When "Viva la Vida" was released by Coldplay was released, it was instantly his favorite song. We'd sing it while we walked around (hallways with an echo were the best); I'd often sing the main vocals and he'd sing the bell parts and other instrumental parts. I can't help but smile a little every time I hear the song.

I have so many memories of him that I hold dear. I didn't know him several decades, but in a small amount of time, he's made a giant impact on my life. My wounds have healed since 2009, but I always feel the pain of missing him. More than the pain, I feel the joy that he brought.

If you've out there somewhere, Thomas, and you are reading this - I miss you, but thank you for being my friend.

Some of his favorite things

I hope you're somewhere and looking back on these memories and it brings you joy.

Happy birthday, spidey.

I've planted a memorial tree in his honor