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Chronic SOS - June 19, 2023

Alphabet Memes Part 2

Time for round 2 of queer memes!

I previously did A-L, so now it's time for M - Z!

Masc (for FTM and top surgery)

This is one for masc people who have top surgery and a once in a lifetime pun! Life is more fun when you take more opportunities to make puns and silly jokes; I highly recommend it.


This one is a nod to my nonbinary gamer friends. To be serious for a moment, having more nonbinary characters in video games would be great; I'm not a fan of how sexualized the "girl" options often are.


For some reason, I get a lot of people that try to tell me that asexuality is not a sexual orientation and "deciding" for me? That's not how it works: please refer to this pie chart.


I went with a meme that doesn't have anything to do with pans - but I assure you there are many.


I wish this was less accurate.


This one refers to the iconic RuPaul quote (and now song).

Straight Meme

This meme takes me back to the early 2000s when bullies would call people "gay" as an insult; hopefully we've moved past that.

Ironically, some of the bullies are not straight. Hopefully they accept themselves now.


This is an agenda that I'm all in favor of! The fact that phones don't fit in women's pants pockets - or even worse, there are none - is completely ridiculous! Pockets for everyone!


For HIV+ people, undectable = untransmittable! Antiretroviral medications reduce the amount of viral particles and when levels are so low that they're undectable in a confirmed HIV+ person, they aren't at risk of spreading it to their sexual partners.

A very important meme to introduce something very important!

Read more here.

Vampire Bats

Not a meme, but please enjoy the dark rainbow vampire bat pattern.

Fun fact: vampire bats are known to sometimes exhibit homosexual behavior.


Hats off to all my fellow women: cis, trans, short, tall, young, old, we love and support you all!

X Chromosome

If you were like me, you absolutely loved the Powerpuff Girls as a kid. Chemical X being an X chromosome would explain a lot!

What was your favorite character from the show? Mine was Bubbles because I had blonde hair as a kid.

Y Chromosome

Shoutout to my Star Wars loving friends!

I often make this joke to friends, and get many groans. But still, I persist.


If you got this far - thanks for sticking with me!

Plains Zebras have been observed exhibiting homosexual behaviors - which is very common in many species of animals! Queerness is a very natural part of the world, and I hope that one day most people will accept that. We've made a lot of progress and I truly believe that love wins and is stronger than hate.

See something that made you laugh or smile recently? Send it to me with my Google form and I may use it in future posts and give you a shoutout!